Following the success of MT Summit 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2013 Workshops on Patent Translation, and MT Summit 2015 Workshop on Patent and Scientific Literature Translation, we are organizing the 7th Workshop on Patent and Scientific Literature Translation (PSLT 2017) as a part of MT Summit 2017 in Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. While patent information is still one of the major application areas of machine translation, the need for translation of different kinds of scientific literature has also been increasing rapidly. This edition has extended the area of interest to translation of scientific literature including patents, scientific articles, and technical reports, which have common characteristics as well as their own characteristics. The workshop, which consists of invited talks, presentation of submitted papers, and free discussion like the previous editions, will be an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to get together and exchange their ideas and experiences.
For more information on MT Summit 2017, please visit: http://aamt.info/app-def/S-102/mtsummit/2017/